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Slow living in the Mediterranean I – Interview with ceramist artist Tatiana Vasilyeva


I’ve met Tatiana through a common friend some years ago and was captivated form the very first moment from her good energy and open-mindedness. So, when I decided to start this series of interviews about “Slow in the Mediterranean” I couldn’t think of anybody else more appropriate to start with than Tatiana.


Tatiana Vasilyeva – ceramist

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your journey with ceramics.

My name is Tatiana, my journey with ceramics started about 4 years ago and so far it has been the most thrilling, encouraging and yet frustrating adventure of my life! It started off from a 1-day workshop in Moscow and ended up being a career, joy and hope in my life. At the moment I have a studio in the old city of Nicosia, teaching pottery wheel and handbulding, creating my own tableware and exploring sculpture.




2. Why did you choose ceramics and what do you love most about this art?

I feel like I did not have much choice – it was clay who chose me and I only had to obey. I just can’t help clayworking, new ideas don’t stop appearing in my fantasies. Ceramic work is an endless combination of forms, materials and techniques. It is just practically impossible to try everything in ceramics! This is what makes it so fascinating and rather challenging.



3. What is your typical day like? Do you have any morning or bedtime rituals that you follow every day? 

I wake up around 7 AM but I come to the workshop only at midday, that’s how I manage to have slow mornings only for myself. And I would never trade it for anything else! Slow morning routine is something that makes my life purer and happier. Usually I make myself a coffee, pour it in one of my favorite ceramic mugs and sit in my patio enjoying the morning sun and the view on the pink bougainvillea tree. Then I take my dog Nola for a long morning walk: we make a trip around the old city, saying hello to our neighbors, waving hands to people in the coffeeshops and I let Nola choose the next street.


4. What would be your three tips for embracing that slow lifestyle feeling, wherever we live?

Practice no-phone time at least once a week. Leave the phone at home and go for a walk!

Handwrite your important thoughts and events in a diary.

Try clay work!  It’s a very slow and grounding process that teaches to forget what hurry is.



5. Which are your 3 favorite Instagram accounts & why?

@pottery_videos because there is nothing more hypnotizing and relaxing than looking at the process of pottery making

@werenotreallystrangers for waking up new feelings and thoughts

@daddyissues because I just really like memes


6. Where can people find more about you and your journey?

They can follow me on instagram and facebook


We hope you enjoyed our interview with Tatiana, as much as we enjoyed making it!


Have a great day & remember to take it slow,


Founder & Designer



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